Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

When Friend said : "Me or Him?!"

Everybody is born to care
it's something we were meant to share
not to keep to ourselves all alone
if we make room for someone new
doesn't means that theres's less for you
only means that our circle has grown

love knows.. love grows..
bigger than before
in your heart there's always more
it's magic the more you give it away
the more love comes back to you everyday

you are my friend..
and i'am your friend too

always forever whenever we go
so love knows...
so l
ove grows...
bigger than before
in your heart there's always more

(Ost Barbie)

"Kenapa harus memilih? karena keduanya bukan pilihan !
tapi suatu Anugerah yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita :)"

Ngga banyak orang yang menyayangi kita,
karena itu JAGA dan SAYANGI MEREKA !

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